Monday, October 31, 2011


if u r below 18 pls dun continue seeing!!!
those ghost scared me until cried!!





editing photo~~

recently i fall in love with editing photo,i start taking lots and lots of photo and start using application in phone to edit~~

sample sample

i have a feeling~~woohoo~~i wan to buy a camera ~~~

Sunday, October 30, 2011


yes,it was a weekend,yes,it was a party night!!everybody lets party!!
it was what i think before i went for the halloween party!but after came bac from there,i tell myself dun ever go halloween party again!is kind of giving ppl money to scare u!i pay $40 for that,is around rm100!!i pay for them to scare me??omg!!they win,they make me cry...shouting like mad!!the boys in my class like keep protecting me,i really felt sorry for him!and the workers inside the haunted house even come and ask need to call all the ghost to go away??wakakakaa!!is like so funny man!make me so paise ler.when the ghost felt like you are scare of them,they keep follow me and flew air behind ears,keep asking wan die wan die!!

u stupid idiot thing!!dun keep following me!!and when i cry he will call me dun cry

i wont ever do this kind of stupid thing again!!next year halloween juz go clubbing and nobody will scare me!

will upload lots of photo soon~~wait ya


usually weekend was like ended up very fast by doing nothing except sleep and eat!!i was on weighing machine yesterday and felt like wanna kill myself after tat!! i was like a pig,keep eating and geting fatter and fatter~~when to vivo city yesterday to see my dream camera~~it costs about $1000,i really like it but should i buy?give me some opinion pls

it is really a nice camera,small and the photo taken itself is kind that ady edit and u no need to transfer to ur com to edit~~

pls give me two more weeks to consider...i will bring u home soon~~

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


  • 又回到最初的起点

  • 记忆中你青涩的脸

  • 我们终于来到了这一天

  • 桌垫下的老照片

  • 无数回忆连结

  • 今天男孩要赴女孩最后的约

  • 又回到最初的起点

  • 呆呆地站在镜子前

  • 笨拙系上红色领带的结

  • 将头发梳成大人模样

  • 穿上一身帅气西装

  • 等会儿见你一定比想像美

  • 好想再回到那些年的时光

  • 回到教室座位前后 故意讨你温柔的骂

  • 黑板上排列组合 你舍得解开吗

  • 谁与谁坐他又爱着她

  • 那些年错过的大雨

  • 那些年错过的爱情

  • 好想拥抱你 拥抱错过的勇气

  • 曾经想征服全世界

  • 到最后回首才发现

  • 这世界滴滴点点全部都是你

  • 那些年错过的大雨

  • 那些年错过的爱情

  • 好想告诉你 告诉你我没有忘记

  • 那天晚上满天星星

  • 平行时空下的约定

  • 再一次相遇我会紧紧抱着你

  • 紧紧抱着你

  • 这歌听完,我哭了

  • 曾经的你我
  • 部落格女孩









    Monday, October 24, 2011


    wat i mean is that when im first here,everything i buy i eat i will convert the singapore dollar into ringgit malaysia.
    example:one chicken rice used to be $ 3...tat mean 3 x 2.47=RM 7.41
    hey chicken!!wat make u so different that u can cost me RM a result,as the 1st 3 months i came singapore,i dun dare to eat dun dare to buy  ><llll
    but now,im getting worse,i already used to use singapore dollar without convert it.....i buy a set of western food costed me $5 sumthing and i thought that was cheap!!oh dear,im mad im sure~~

    juz for today,the starbucks in my sis's skul opened,so they offered a promotion...all the drinks were half price....and there was a long queue from third level until forth level.....and i was queuing for chocolate chips cream costed me $3.90.....normal price is $ cheap!
    then after drinking i found that there is no reason for me to drink starbucks, although it was half price,but if i din buy the drink,it cost me $0.....oh stupid xinzhao!!
    when i went starbucks so frequent ,i applied a starbucks's card

                                                   wat a nice card~~

    this card make me keep going to starbucks!!oh shit baby!

                                                    my sis's dark mocha and my chocolate chip

    i wish one day i could open one starbucks!!!
    god bless me~~i wish all my dream come true~

    Sunday, October 23, 2011


    wat the hell!!is monday again~~need to go school,need to wake up at 6am....lalalalallalla........many many things to do.....monday blues.....
    im thinking tat i dunwan my life to be like tat for the coming 40 years,i dunwan keep on repeating the life as go to work...come bac from work...sleep....babababbababababa...........=P
    i tell myself!oon xin zhao!pls work hard!i dunwan to work for others!i dunwan to fire by others!!ahahahahaha

    ok,im getting crazy!and this stupid lifestyle make me crazy!

    nightzzzz everyone....i going to sleep now to face the stupid monday!!

    hey someone,do you know that i miss u?!
    muackzzzz...i guess u will never know

    Saturday, October 22, 2011





    Friday, October 21, 2011

    1st week of skul

    finally after holidays two months is time to bac to skul...oh dear~~i really feel so sad and lazy to go to skul~~
                                                          my tiring look in the early morning~~

    after skul,my fat fat sis oon xin ni n i went to eat sakae sushi buffet~~
    ong pei yan!!!is buffet!!!bring u go eat when u come find me

                                                        just start to eat 5 minutes and we ady eat like this
    im still staying wif xin ni and the result of staying wif her is getting fatter and fatter~~

                        these pics are taken at 2am in the late late night after ordering mcd delivery~~oh yeah!!fat fat fat

    start my computer programming lesson today!such a stupid bull shit subject ~~

    Sunday, October 16, 2011

    1st and 2nd days in Singapore~~

    after holiday for 7 weeks,finally need to cum bac to i realize that how suffer one person need to go bac to study life....the moment i hug mum before i left,the moment i phone my papa before my flight .....juz feel like wan to cry...but i stop myself from crying!i keep telling myself :" you suck pls dun make them worry about u!!" i dun dare to cry.......
                                                                     fat zhao and tian~~

    2nd day~~
    went for try the restaurant in xin ni's university